Rémy Cabella back with the Greens? Pascal Dupraz reacts

“Cabella? So how am I going to get out of this question? Pascal Dupraz first had fun this Thursday at a press conference before the trip to Lille. The Stéphanois technician could not escape this question which torments many observers and supporters of AS Saint-Étienne: What if Rémy Cabella returned to the Greens?

It was enough to be present at the ASSE shop before the match against Metz last weekend to realize this. The former Greens striker (2017-2019) still has many admirers in Forez and many have also called for his return amid the dozens of selfies and autographs that Rémy Cabella was able to offer supporters.

When he was in France he was a good player – Pascal Dupraz

The striker having been released from his contract by Krasnodar and FIFA having authorized the players who played in the Russian championship to find a club before the end of the season, he could, if the two parties agree, commit to the Greens.

Everything is done in an extremely collegial manner exposed Pascal Dupraz about a possible arrival. We are four people (Him, Soucasse, Rustem and Perrin) and none of these four people came to see another to intimate to him the conviction that it was good to recruit another player. I let you speak to Loïc Perrin (present in the room) because I am the smallest of the four in terms of size and hierarchy. Remy Cabella? I lost sight of him, but when he was in France he was a good player: free electron, destabilizer, creator.

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