Remuneration and parity | The government will have to increase the salaries of state lawyers and notaries

(Montreal) The lawyers and notaries of the Quebec state have just won an important victory, while the government will have to pay several thousand dollars to each of them for their remuneration for the years 2015 to 2023.

An arbitration decision has just been rendered to this effect by retired judge of the Court of Appeal of Quebec Jacques Chamberland, appointed following an agreement between the parties to resolve this old dispute.

The retired judge ruled: these state lawyers must be entitled to remuneration equivalent to that of criminal and penal prosecutors for the period from 1er April 2015 to March 31, 2023.

It thus ruled that the salary scale of lawyers and notaries employed by the Quebec government must be increased by 2 to 2.5% each year for this period, except one year at 0.57% and one year at 4.5%.

Thus, the amounts to be paid can represent several thousand dollars per lawyer or notary, M confirmed in an interview on Wednesday.e Marc Dion, president of Les Avocats et notaires de l’Etat québécois (LANEQ). He emphasizes that around 2,000 members or ex-members who are now retired should be able to receive an amount.

Some 1,200 members of LANEQ went on strike from October 2016 to February 2017, demanding parity with prosecutors in criminal and penal prosecutions.

These lawyers work in different ministries, at the Consumer Protection Office, at the Public Curator, at the Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work, at the Régie de l’assurance -illness and the Automobile Insurance Corporation. They are also the ones who write the bills.

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