Removals | Damn funny advertisements for IKEA

While moves often cause stress and tension, the Swedish giant IKEA is trying to make people smile and relax their faces with an original advertising campaign launched this week in Quebec, in view of the great annual ballet of address changes.

Posted at 4:18 p.m.

Sylvain Sarrazin

Sylvain Sarrazin
The Press

In a series of posters and radio messages, one can read or hear comments and quotations in the flowery language typical of removals; but instead of well-felt consecrations, the latter are substituted by names of furniture or articles sold in stores, the close pronunciation of which suggests the original blasphemy.

An example to better understand: “This linoleum is ugly in ‘Tårbäk’”, announces one of the campaign posters – knowing that Tårbäk is the name of a woven carpet marketed by the furnishing company. “M’a te “Kritter” that in the trashcans”, launches one of the seven other advertisements, alluding this time to a model of bed.

We can only salute the creativity and the touch of humor of this campaign designed by the Rethink agency, which was able to juggle with the local linguistic specificity, rather than tackling generic international slogans. “Is it really possible to move without cursing? With IKEA, yes”, launched the firm in a wink during the unveiling of the campaign on Instagram.

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