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Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour were in a meeting on Saturday February 5. A remote duel for the two far-right candidates who tried to build momentum just over two months from the first round.
Two posters, two nationalist candidates face to face. Éric Zemmour in Lille (Nord), Marine Le Pen in Reims (Marne). A show of force from a distance, assumed by the supporters of the polemicist, but for those close to Marine Le Pen, there is no duel. On the stage of the Zénith de Lille, Éric Zemmour never mentions his competitor. His speech focuses on a theme at the heart of the news: purchasing power. And he criticizes the measures taken by the government in recent months to help the French cope with rising prices.
In the room, some activists, former voters of Marine Le Pen, are convinced of having made the right choice. At the same time in Reims, Marine Le Pen also preferred to ignore her direct competitor and focused her attacks on the Head of State. Her supporters are convinced that their champion will continue to race in the lead, ahead of Éric Zemmour. For the rest of her campaign, Marine Le Pen wants to bet on proximity, crisscrossing France with her team, in thirty buses bearing her image.