Rémi arrived at Singapore in October 2017 to satisfy his desire for an international experience. If he rather dreamed of the United States, it is in Singapore that he will settle to follow his companion. There was a good reception, in particular carried by the image of elegance that our capital reflects even if, the cliché of French grumpy occasionally returns to the surface.
– Remi
Rémi arrives in Paris at the age of 20, where he lived Vincennes Gate, then in the Gambetta district. He lived in 1er, Rue des Innocents, near the Fontaine and the Louvre. His favorite walks? Close to Louvre, the Quays of the Seine, the Place du Châtelet, etc … If he does not plan to come back to live in France for the moment, his favorite neighborhoods remain benchmarks for him. But he still remains very attached to his country and closely follows the news in France, especially around our next presidential elections.
– Remi
In Singapore, he chose to live in a historic Art Deco district of the city reminding him of the Haussmann neighborhoods from Paris. Built in the 1930s, these buildings are listed and cannot be destroyed. In this district, he finds restaurants (including a French restaurant) and a french bakery, in which he goes down EVERY Sunday, to look for his baguette and his croissants and his … chocolatines (nobody can be a perfect Parisian, our friend of the week comes from the South). It is for him, inescapable.
– Remi
Where to go in Singapore? Well in our podcast Rémi gives you all his advice for discovering Singapore: the architecture, the Marina, the Business District with its skyscrapers, vegetation and its botanical garden … Another strong point? The multiculturality of the city. Religious symbols are present and represent each culture.