Rémi Gaillard spreads false information: TF1 falls for the trap!

Are we going to be invaded by aliens? It is a fear that viewers may have had on Friday, November 12, in front of the TF1 Journal at 1 p.m. And for good reason, the presenter Marie-Sophie Lacarrau launched a subject on the presence of UFOs in the Gard after the appearance of a mysterious flying and luminous object in the sky. “It lit up for about ten meters, I saw my cow with a circle around“, testified a breeder of the region at the microphone of the chain. Later, a meteorologist came to sow doubt in turn by refuting the possibility that it could be a meteorite:”In terms of meteorological phenomenon it does not seem to stick at all. Meteorites are something much brighter.

Two very serious interventions therefore, which had everything to convince us. And yet this whole story was actually a big hoax signed by Rémi Gaillard ! Indeed, after seeing that his joke had worked well, he grabbed his Twitter account to reveal the pot aux roses. “In 1938, Orson Welles made it seem like an alien invasion on the radio. A century later, thanks to you, I just made the same hoax. Thank you ! It is by doing anything that we become UFOs“, he wrote not without pride under a video of him alongside … the two speakers of TF1! Marie Sanchez, the horse breeder, and Loïc Spadafora, the meteorologist, for whom these are the real jobs, fully lent themselves to the game. “I must have told the biggest story, I think, of my life“, admitted Marie. Rémi Gaillard for his part made the list of very serious media which fell into the trap like TF1.

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