REM service resumes after being paralyzed by an electrical problem

A power supply problem paralyzed the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) Thursday morning, forcing users to rely on bus services to get to their destination. Service gradually resumed in both directions shortly after 7:30 a.m.

The outage was attributable to an equipment breakdown that occurred during maintenance work carried out during the night, explained the media and digital content director of CDPQ Infra, Michelle Lamarche, during an interview on Radio-Canada radio. .

She was unable to say whether human error was the cause of the equipment failure. However, she assured that the weather conditions of the last hours in Montreal are in no way to blame.

The bus services set up to transport users during the outage will, however, remain in place until 8:15 a.m., the REM indicated on the social network X.

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