Victorious over the Welsh, Les Bleues will aim for the Grand Slam on the last day against the English.
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Last step before reaching “the final”. After its big victory against Scotland last Sunday (55-0), the XV of France disposed without trembling (39-14) of Wales, Sunday April 23, for the penultimate day of the Six Nations. With six tries scored, against two conceded, the Tricolores delighted the public at the Stade des Alpes in Grenoble, even leading 34-0 after returning from the locker room.
But the Welsh, humiliated by the Red Roses last weekend (3-59), then recovered to reduce the gap to 34-14. Not enough to panic Blue sometimes irregular, but never really in danger. For the last of Jessy Trémoulière with the XV of France at home, the party was therefore at the rendezvous. It could be even more beautiful in the event of victory next Saturday at Twickhenam, against the English, also undefeated in this Tournament, which would offer a Grand Slam to the Blue for the first time since 2018.