relive the successful introduction of the XV of France against Italy

The French ensured the essential in Parma (22-12), Sunday, at the opening of the Six Nations Tournament.

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Charlotte Escudero during the World Cup match against Italy, in New Zealand, October 29, 2022. (MICHAEL BRADLEY / AFP)

After the offensive festivals of Wales and England, the French team had more difficulty in getting rid of theItaly, to Parma (22-12)Sunday, March 26, during the first day of the Six Nations Tournament. IThe Transalpines didn’t give up from the first to the last minute against the clumsy Bleues.

Carried by the first convincing selection of the young Carla Arbez at the opening (23 years)symbol of the tricolor renewal, the French team was pragmatic to take the advantage in the first period (15-7)before being surprised on the return from the locker room by Italian winger Alyssa D‘Inca (47th). Despite the indiscipline and the faults of hand, the Blue remained alive thanks to a conquering pack of forwards. After having stumbled several times on the courageous Italian defense, the Blue finally secured their advantage in the last minutes by Caroline Boujard (74th).

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