The SIA, Salon de l’Agriculture, is held from February 26 to March 6, 2022 in Paris. France Bleu Besançon and France Bleu Auxerre put their microphones at the heart of the show, in the space dedicated to Burgundy Franche-Comté to give a spotlight to farmers and producers from Burgundy and Franche-Comté, on Thursday 3 March. They give the floor to the producers, breeders, craftsmen present at this edition of the reunion, and shine the products and the know-how of Icaun and Franche-Comté.
Welcome to the Agricultural Show. Dominique and Arnaud are ready to make you experience this event from the inside, surrounded by the France Bleu Auxerre and Besançon teams!
– V. Vivien / F. Loriol
Mathieu, our walkman, is in the starting blocks, ready to go from stand to stand to introduce you to regional products.
And in Burgundy Franche-Comté, there is an essential product, it’s cheese: Mont d’Or, Epoisse, Soumaintrain, Chaource, Comté… And we don’t forget charcuterie and its flagship product, sausage of Morteau. In short, foodies will not be disappointed! And it is not Anne-Claire who will say the opposite, she is a student in Paris and holds the stand of the BFC region, where she also discovers Franche-Comté specialties.
We couldn’t come to the show without showing you its STAR!! Neige is a cow of the Abondance breed, 4 years old, 668 kg, a beautiful beast that became the face of the SIA 2022 after a draconian selection.
And when we talk about cows, our Montbéliardes have many qualities. It is a breed that today is bred in many countries around the world. You should know that it adapts to all farming systems, all climates, a cow goes everywhere which is exported… and which produces milk which is now used in the manufacture of many cheeses throughout France, not only in Franche-Comté.
We still had to tell you about a lesser-known product: the Macvin.