relive Emmanuel Macron’s interview at France 2’s “20 heures”

The day after the debate between the two rounds, Emmanuel Macron was the guest, Thursday, April 21 of the 8 p.m. newspaper of France 2. Faced with Anne-Sophie Lapix, the president-candidate returned to the measures of his program on the economy and on its proposal on pensions.

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On this latest reform, postponed due to the Covid-19 crisis, he assures us that we must “let there be breaths”. He mentions a review clause “in 2027-2028” on this reform, which provides for a retirement age of 65 in 2031. “The objective is to shift the legal age of departure by four months a year”he says.

“We are going to work until the legal age of 64 at the end of the mandate that comes if the French men and women trust me”, adds the candidate LREM. However, hardship criteria are provided for certain professions. “MBut the real cost on the pensions that I assume is to pass the minimum contribution from 980 euros to 1100 euros”he says.

“I want to gradually eliminate the two major special regimes, that of the RATP and that of energy”he continues. Those who start in the career will not be entitled to it, those who have signed a pact, in a way, will be entitled to it. It is a measure of justice.”

During this fairly detailed interview on economic issues, the president-candidate also had a few words at the end of the exchange on the climate component. “We will stick to our objectives in relation to the IPCC report”, he says. “We have to go twice as fast as what we have done in the last five years (…). We must succeed more quickly in changing our fleet of vehicles – that’s what I want to do by investing and with leasing – we must renovate more housing and we must produce more renewable energy”he lists.

Finally, on the situation in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron declares that he has not exchanged with Vladimir Poutine since the discovery of the massacres in Boutcha. He reiterates that he asks “urge Russia to arrange both humanitarian access, the supply of medicines and the exit of civilians who wish to do so from Mariupol”.

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