Released by a challenger after 102 victories, Mathieu (Everyone wants to take his place) has a hard time digesting!

The important thing is to participate ? Not always, especially when you go far in a competition. Like Mathieu, who mattered 102 wins since her debut in “Everyone wants to take their place”, the program hosted by Laurence Boccolini on France 2. This September 6, Mathieu was taken out by a challenger who did not accept his generous offer.

Annoyed, Mathieu confided in his defeat during an interview with Tele-Leisure in which it is clear: he finds it difficult to digest the defeat. “It’s very brutal, I didn’t expect to leave at that time. There are a lot of emotions swirling around at the same time. We are a little stunned when we leave the game like that. I expected my challenger, Alexandre, to accept my offer, but that was not the case. I have a twinge in my heart at the idea of ​​leaving the adventure”, said Mathieu who still left the game with a nice jackpot of 77,300 euros. A sum that should help him digest all that!

A candidate in the top of the best candidates in the history of the game and perhaps also among those who divided Internet users the most. “And he’s happy, he’s happy. He gives rotten themes to the candidates, he wins nothing but he’s happy he keeps his chair”, could we read for example on the Web according to his victories. Mathieu annoyed more than one, especially since for some, he was boosted by production. According to some, on August 5, Mathieu would have been favored during the final face-to-face with questions that were too easy which allowed him to stay. “We’ll have to stop the gift questions for the champion from Wish!! We have to stop taking us for hams!!”, “This little grin of the champion, seeming to say, chic they still want to keep me!!! !….!!!!is also unbearable !!!!….!!!!!….!!!!”, “Boccolini just had an orgasm… 26 points !!!!”, “No but c What is the level of this questionnaire, seriously? It’s still easy…”deplored some Internet users on Twitter.

Laura Bertrand

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