Release of 150 million euros for the hospital: there is “error on the diagnosis”, estimates a neuropediatrician

For Mélodie Aubart, the sum is considered “insufficient” and pleads rather for a “salary increase” and a change of policy.

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For Mélodie Aubart, neuropediatrician at the Necker-Enfants Malades hospital in Paris, the government’s announcements to respond to the pediatric emergency crisis are not the right ones: “I would say that’s good news because he cares about what’s going on, but what we’re denouncing is a very serious misdiagnosis of the announcements he makes.“The day after a forum signed by 4,000 caregivers to denounce the saturation of services, the government announced the release of 150 million euros.

>> Crisis in pediatric services: the executive will launch an “immediate action plan”, announces Olivier Véran

A judged sum”insufficient” by the neuropediatrician who adds that “especially it is not the right answer to bring money to services.“According to her, if the Minister of Health wants to make a financial effort, “The pay scales need to be reassessed.“What Mélodie Aubart wants is above all else”a policy change” in depth. She proposes to “reassess the severity of the care provided. It must be said that a nurse can take care of a certain number of children and no more. We must stop putting too many children and we must reform hospital governance by refocusing it on hospital services“, she lists.

Regarding the triggering of the white plans announced by the government spokesperson, things are not going well either: “It does not suit us, because the white plan is a plan that is triggered when there is a health disaster.“And Mélodie Aubart to recall, “For three years, it has been triggered every year, which shows the state of our health system.“For the neuropediatrician, this white plan is synonymous with closing beds,”like in surgery“to open others in other services”and therefore deprogram certain operations.

According to her, “there is a real loss of chance, there are endangerments of children. We will alter the care of other children and in addition we will also cancel care leave“, she warns. The solutions provided do not help, according to her, or even contribute to the problem, because “all this contributes to the massive bleeding of caregivers who leave the public hospital“, she concluded.

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