Every day, those in the know debate the news around Salhia Brakhlia and Renaud Dély.
Reading time: 23 min

The themes :
The former Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, was cleared on Wednesday January 17 of accusations of favoritism while he was mayor of Annonay, in Ardèche. He is the second minister to be acquitted by the courts in a few weeks. Enough to strengthen Emmanuel Macron’s attachment to the presumption of innocence, a principle that he mentioned again Tuesday evening during his press conference at the Elysée. Is there a standoff between the judges and Macronie? Did the judges go too far by attacking Eric Dupond-Moretti and Olivier Dussopt?
At the Elysée Tuesday evening, Emmanuel Macron announced that he wanted “measures to regain control of our screens”. A working group of 10 experts, attached to the Elysée, must determine the proper use of screens for our children in families, at home and in class. Is this subject really a government policy?
The informed:
Paul Barcelona, political journalist at franceinfo
Find all the news from the morning of Thursday January 18, 2024: