“Relationship of victim to executioner”: The risks incurred by Léa Salamé and Raphaël Gluscksmann according to astrology

Léa Salamé, at the helm of a new episode of what time, this Saturday October 15 on France 2, has been in a relationship with Raphaël Glucksmann since 2016. The politician is celebrating his 43rd birthday today and the couple, parent of a little Gabriel (born March 12, 2017) seem to live a modest happiness far from projectors. But what does astrology say about their history? Scorpio Woman and Libra Man, they are able to achieve a lasting and completely positive union if they manage to maintain a fair balance. Born on October 27, Léa Salamé is indeed a native of Scorpio, and this energetic and determined woman could well be annoyed by the hesitations of her Libra companion. If the balance between them is not found, they could well make each other suffer by indulging “victim-executioner relationship“, reports SHE.

Their love compatibility is therefore mainly based on this search for a certain harmony between tenderness and affection. A balance which, if it were to fail, would lead the duo adrift. What immediately appeals to the Scorpio woman is the charm of the Libra man. But of course his very hesitant side could annoy him just as quickly. If, however, affection and tenderness are present, as they seem to be for the couple formed by Léa Salamé and Raphaël Glucksmann, the Scorpio woman will simply make fun of her companion. And in a constant flight from conflict, and a search for harmony, he shouldn’t hold it against her. With the native of this Air sign, love is above all.

The jealousy of the Scorpio woman, a danger for their couple?

Nevertheless, the native of Scorpio, a sign of Water, will have to learn to temper her strong character, so as not to hurt her partner. And the charm of the Libra man is not visible only in his eyes, and the Scorpio woman is jealous in nature. The charm of her lover could therefore sometimes annoy her. But despite all these pitfalls, their mutual attraction is so strong that they could well recover despite everything. And the calmness and tranquility of the Libra man could also be beneficial for the Scorpio native. So far, Léa Salamé and Raphaël Glucksmann, although discreet and modest, seem to be living a lovely romance. This summer, the 42-year-old journalist shared some memories of their dream vacation in Corsica, and obviously no downside.

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