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Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen are in direct opposition on the attitude to have vis-à-vis Moscow. What will be our relations with the Kremlin, according to the president elected at the end of the second round on Sunday April 24?
With the invasion of Ukraine, the presidential campaign has changed its face. At the heart of the debate in the second round: relations with Russia. Marine Le Pen advocates a rapprochement with Russia and she suggests that this go through NATO. In its program, it proposed until the beginning of April an alliance on questions of European security or the fight against terrorism.
A position that she will end up suspending after the Boutcha massacre (Ukraine). The candidate is against an embargo on gas or oil or any sanction which could, according to her, have consequences on the French. For Emmanuel Macron, relations with Russia can only go through one voice: Europe. His strategy: maintaining sanctions on one side while continuing the dialogue with the Kremlin on the other. Which has not moved Vladimir Putin an inch so far.