Rejection of the RIP, Constitution of the Fifth Republic, violence in the demonstrations … What to remember from the interview with Fabien Roussel

The deputy from the North and national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Thursday May 4, 2023.

The current Constitution”does not respect the people and democracy“, estimated the national secretary of the Communist Party, Fabien Roussel. Fight against the pension reform, law “anti-breakers” … He answers questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neïla Latrous.

New rejection of the RIP by the Constitutional Council

For Fabien Roussel, despite the rejection by the Constitutional Council on Wednesday of the request for a shared initiative referendum (RIP) on pensions, “the fight continues”. This decision of the Sages “shows that our Constitution and our Fifth Republic give all powers to the President of the Republic“, estimated the communist leader. Fabien Roussel proposes in particular the withdrawal of article 49.3 of the Constitution, considering that this one “does not respect the people and democracy“. “The constitution, we have to change it, we have to write a new Republic that respects the citizens”, he pleaded, thus aligning himself with the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who had declared Monday, May 1: “Down with the bad Republic”. According to Fabien Roussel, who does not however call for a Sixth Republic, “we make a bad trial“to the leader of La France insoumise. “We are living through an extremely serious democratic crisis, democracy is damaged and there is a need to give the floor back to the people and for the people to be respected.”

Anti-breakers law

Let’s look at how we can prevent the Black Blocs from harming our demonstrations, but also ensure that the State guarantees the freedom to demonstrate peacefully“, indicated the boss of the communists, while the government is considering an “anti-thug” law after the violence of May 1. “But let’s also ensure that the state guarantees the right and freedom to demonstrate peacefully“, he developed. The deputy from the North believes that the government is also responsible for the situation, accusing it of doing “boil France“.”There are also demonstrators who are savagely beaten by the police. There are protesters who have been caught and locked up, taken into custody unfairly“, pointed out Fabien Roussel.

Continue the fight against pension reform

The national secretary of the PCF calls “the French to be mobilized on June 6“for the day of the next inter-union mobilization. On June 8, the date on which the deputies must examine a bill from the small group of independent deputies Liot aimed at repealing the law just promulgated, “we will do everything to have this majority in the Assembly“, he continued. “We propose that the 258 parliamentarians who signed the request for RIP meet in a seminar with the inter-union so that we can write the way in which we will continue to oppose this reform.

Privatization of the RATP

While the communist deputy Stéphane Peu is going to withdraw his bill aimed at postponing the opening of Parisian bus lines to competition until 2028, Fabien Roussel explained this withdrawal by the action of the government which “pervert this text“. The text which was to be examined this Thursday within the framework of the parliamentary niche of the communist group in the National Assembly asked “postponement for at least four years“, i.e. the end of 2028, of the deadline for the opening to competition of the Parisian buses of the RATP. However, the amendments of the presidential majority have brought it back to the end of 2026, “to pass the Olympics“, according to Fabien Roussel. The deputies of the majority “wanted to have us, by distorting our text and just asking to calm things down during the Olympics“.”If Valérie Pécresse does not withdraw her project, well, all the employees will defend themselves“, said the deputy from the North, raising the risk of social unrest during the Paris Olympics in the summer of 2024. “This privatization of the RATP penalizes families in working-class neighborhoods, young people who need buses to go to school. She penalizes everyone“.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Thursday, May 4, 2023

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