Reinforcement in defense for the Carabins

The talented Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy (CNDF) defensive back Jeremy Racine will make his university debut next season in the blue Carabins uniform.

For Racine, it will be a reunion with coach Marco Iadeluca, who had led him with Équipe Quebec in 2018.

“He’s a youngster who loves football, who is very dedicated to his sport, in addition to being a great athlete and a leader,” praised the Carabins pilot earlier this week. We are very happy to have it. “

For Racine, the choice was simple. He says he “fell in love with the University of Montreal facilities and coaching staff” when he visited the campus this season.

“It’s a very good football program that is likely to be successful in the years to come, so it was the best decision for me,” Racine said of the champions from the last two Dunsmore Cups.

Still, the 19-year-old was spoiled for choice. Last season, the defensive back from Lac-Beauport, near Quebec, stood out in several statistical categories of the Collegiate Division 1. He notably finished tied for first in interceptions, with five.

Concordia, McGill and Sherbrooke are among the other universities visited by Racine. He had also received offers from programs located outside Quebec, but he “did not want to go so far from home”.

“I have not been contacted by the Rouge et Or, but I do not know if that would have been a good option for me,” noted the future student in industrial relations. I really feel at home in Montreal. I couldn’t have made a better choice, even if Laval had been in the background. “

“No expectations”

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the number of recruits on each varsity team this season, given the cancellation of the 2020 campaign.

But next year should see a return to a more usual number of freshmen.

In this context, the product of the CNDF does not have too many illusions. “Of course there is no one there who is not to play. But I have no expectations: I’ll just be ready to compete with the other players, ”said Racine.

“I want to contribute on special teams, and if I can play defense too, that would be great,” he continued. I also want to learn from the veterans, which is what will allow me to find myself on the field quickly. “

The program that forged it

By joining the Carabins, Racine turns the page on his years with the CNDF, the football program that made him grow.

“When I arrived at the CNDF, I was still a young person who had just left high school, with a good program, but less famous than the other division 1 programs. [le Laser de l’école des Sentiers]. I played in my first year, so I really grew in it. ”

“I learned that football’s game of chess is more than tackling and catching balls. But I also grew as a player and as a person. ”

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