rehearsals follow before the big day



France 3

Article written by

T.Cuny, M.Khiat, Reunion the 1st, C.Krauskopff – France 3

France Televisions

Monday, July 11, the troops are training for the July 14 parade. Report in Brétigny-sur-Orge, in Essonne, and in Reunion.

In Brétigny-sur-Orge (Essonne), Monday July 11, the soldiers rehearse the July 14 parade. More than 180 motorized vehicles train on the base. The parade on the Champs-Élysées (Paris) is an opportunity to present to the public the equipment used during operations. Among the machines, the Caesar, a truck equipped with an artillery system and deployed in Ukraine. “With its 155 gun, it can shoot up to 38 km“, explains the sergeant Axel, head of guns Caesar.

In Saint-Denis (La Réunion), rehearsals have also begun. Due to the pandemic, the military had not been able to go to mainland France for the past two years. Thursday, July 14, they will be 150 men and women to parade in Paris. “All movements must be synchronized, both pedestrian movements and vehicle movements“, details Captain B. Sciascia, joint deputy to the senior commander of the Fazsoi. Young people in civic service will be part of the parade for the first time.

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