“Regrettable”, “a serious danger” … The reactions of presidential candidates after Vladimir Putin’s statement

The candidates for the presidential election in France began to react on the evening of Monday February 21 after the recognition of the independence of the separatist regions of Ukraine by Russia, announced by Vladimir Putin during a televised address.

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Eric Zemmour, Reconquest! candidate, believes that “Russia’s decision to recognize the independence of the two Republics of Donbass” sign “the effective end of the Minsk agreements”. “The responsibility for this situation lies first with Russia but is also the result of the policy pursued by the West and NATO”, to his eyes. However, he opposes the imposition of sanctions against Moscow, which “Not only go against our economic interests, but they are also inefficient”. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate Debout la France, deplores for his part a “worrying escalation in Ukraine. The path to a peaceful solution passes through the application of the Minsk agreements, a neutral status for Ukraine and an appeal to the people: referendum in the Donbass”he wrote.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Insoumis candidate (L’Avenir en commun), reacted in a long press release, published on his website, acknowledging the “responsibility” russian in “climbing”but also insisting on the risk, according to him, of a Ukraine’s annexation to NATO [qui] won’t be long”. “The recognition of the Russian-speaking republics of Donbass by Putin is a very bad deal for the Frenchwrites the Rebellious candidate. […] It is to be feared that the Russian decision will be followed by an American decision to integrate Ukraine into NATO.” “It is Russia that has taken the responsibility for this episodeadds Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The annexation of Ukraine into NATO will not be long in coming.”

Marine Le Pen, candidate for the National Rally, judges in a press release that “Vladimir Putin’s decision is an eminently regrettable act which does not contribute to the necessary de-escalation of tensions […] Nevertheless, everything must be done to return to the path of dialogue in order to ensure peace in Europe.” The candidate calls for “the organization of a conference bringing together the United States, Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom as well as Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia, border states of Ukraine”in order to “negotiate a solution on the basis of the Minsk agreement”.

Anne Hidalgo, socialist candidate, believes that “Vladimir Putin’s unilateral decision constitutes a violation of international law and of Ukraine’s sovereignty. France and Europe must show solidarity, unity and firmness in the face of this threat to peace in Europe”. Fabien Roussel, candidate of the French Communist Party, believes for his part on Twitter that “The recognition of the independence of the two separatist Republics of Ukraine by the Russian President is an extremely serious and dangerous decision! Everything must be done to defuse this war which threatens the gates of Europe!”

For Christiane Taubira, candidate nominated by the Popular Primary, “Russia chooses force and a fait accompli. We are facing a serious danger. The solidarity of European states with Ukraine must not fail. Even if diplomacy must continue to work.” The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot deplores on Twitter the recognition of separatist entities by Russia which “undermines the territorial integrity and democracy of Ukraine […] No complacency! I call for a firm and united French and European response.”.

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