Registration tax increased to $150 in 2025 in the Montreal region

Motorists in the greater Montreal area will see the cost of their registration tax increase from $59 to $150 as of January 1, 2025.

Gathered Thursday morning in an extraordinary meeting, the mayors of the Metropolitan Community of Montreal (CMM) adopted by 24 votes to four the resolution increasing the registration tax in order to make up part of the shortfalls of transport companies.

Representatives of the South Crown, including the mayor of Mercier, Line Michaud, voted against the resolution. They also proposed to postpone the vote to a later date, but in vain.

Mayor Valérie Plante, who chairs the CMM, argued that this decision to increase the registration tax was not taken lightly, but that it was a “responsible way” to cope. to the crisis that public transport is going through.

The CMM could lower the amount of $150 if Quebec agrees to increase its contribution to financing public transport. Negotiations are still underway on this subject between the CMM cities and the Minister of Transport, Geneviève Guilbault. During a meeting with CMM elected officials last Friday, the minister maintained her offer at 200 million for 2025 while the Regional Metropolitan Transport Authority (ARTM) estimates the anticipated deficit of public transport operators at 561 million for 2025.

Further details will follow.

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