register for the 2nd Normandy culinary competition

the Leopards Trophy is a cooking competition intended to reward professional chefs and amateurs and to showcase the products of Normandy. Around cheese Neufchâtel, after the apple in 2021, with Normandy oysters and Norman breed beef, the finalists will compete in front of a jury of prestigious chefs chaired by Pierre Caillet, Meilleur Ouvrier de France. The competition is organized by Marie Sauce Conseil in partnership with the Normandy Region.

Take part in the Leopards Trophy 2022

The Leopards Trophy allows amateurs to confront the greatest chefs. the March 30, 2022, a first test will bring together Norman amateurs (residents of Normandy) in the magnificent Lycée Agricole du Pays de Bray in Merval.

To register, if you are amateurs (over 18) and live in Normandy : request your registration form by email to Sauce Marie Conseil before December 31, 2021. The selected amateurs will participate in the first test on March 30, 2022. At the end of this test, the best will join the national final, which will be held on May 16, 2022 at the Abbaye aux Dames, in Caen. On May 17, two other national finals will designate the winners of the professional and learner categories.

For the final, the candidates will have three hours to realize two dishes based on Norman products required: a starter from the five varieties of oysters from Normandy, then a main course with a leg of Norman-bred beef.

List of the jury for the first round: Pierre Caillet, President, Bernard Leprince, honorary president, Ghislaine Arabian, Michel Bruneau, Stéphane Carbone, Thierry Desceliers, Hervé Morin, President of the Normandy Region, Philippe Hardy, Ludovic Legendre, Stéphane Leveque, Jean-François Perrin, Tony Potillon, Vincent Vidal, Emmanuel Marie.

France Bleu partner of the Leopards Trophy

Find all the information on the Leopards Trophy by listening to France Bleu Cotentin, France Bleu Normandie (Calvados-Orne) and France Bleu Normandie (Seine-Maritime – Eure).

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