Régis Mailhot: The campaign diaries

“The charity operation of the week, we owe it to Saint-François-Bayrou, the Aunt Danielle of macronism, who launched a sponsorship bank to help candidates in difficulty. But how nice, how nice disinterested, and then we suspect no political ulterior motive, nor remote control at the top of the state. It would even be a shame if Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen could not prevent Valérie Pécresse from accessing the second round. “

In Hello Mailhot?Régis Mailhot has set himself a goal: to answer your questions wherever they come from!

With his sharp pen and his view of the news, the comedian Régis Mailhot gives you an appointment every day at 1:15 p.m. in My France next to Wendy Bouchard.”

To listen to Hello Mailhot again?

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