REGARD Festival | The balance sheet of Marie-Élaine Riou

The 26and edition of REGARD, the Saguenay International Short Film Festival, begins on Wednesday and marks the event’s return to its usual March slot. She will also be the last of General Manager Marie-Élaine Riou, with whom The Press discussed.

Posted at 9:00 a.m.

Andre Duchesne

Andre Duchesne
The Press

It’s the return of REGARD in March. What’s new for you?

We are increasing our competitive programs from 9 to 10 with the addition of an animation program. We are adding public prizes in our parallel sections Americana, 100% Regions and Tourner à tout prix! We will present a retrospective in homage to filmmaker Philippe Belley [ce dernier est mort en s’entraînant pour la traversée du lac Saint-Jean en août 2021], a friend of the festival, and the prize for the 100% Regions competition will now bear his name. Finally, since we didn’t know where the pandemic would be at the time of the festival, we decided to continue our 5 to 7 outside, in the fresh air!

What about the Quebec cuvée?

There are about sixty films, including several premieres. Thirteen of these films are premieres that can receive the Canadian Grand Prix and become eligible for the race for the Oscars. The 13 filmmakers associated with these films will be in Saguenay and will participate in podcasts. We hope that Quebec filmmakers will increasingly choose REGARD to make their premieres, and these podcasts allow them to be showcased. In addition, Stéphane Lafleur will give a master class.

REGARD has created a Best of Ukraine?

She was added after the unveiling of the lineup, in the wake of the conflict. We rolled up our sleeves and contacted filmmakers [ukrainiens] whose films had failed to be selected. We went looking for them to give them a showcase. Ticketing revenue for this program will be donated to a foundation. We want to do our part in this sad situation. Due to lack of time, however, these films are only subtitled in English.

You also have a Russian film…

Yes, we have a Russian animated short. Keeping it was not an easy decision to make, but the film is not political and the filmmakers dissociate themselves from what is happening. We are comfortable keeping it. Besides, he had been selected long before the start of the invasion. We are not going to fall into the boycott. We side with art and artists.

Why leave now?

When I applied for the position of general manager, I had been at the festival for three years and I told myself that I had to do at least three, four years in management. In fact, this will be my 10and editing. Like many people who work here, I saw REGARD as a school, a springboard. And like at school, you have to know how to move on. I learned a lot, I brought my color, I took it a little further, as the next person in management will do. I leave with a good toolbox. Moreover, there was no question that I leave in the middle of a pandemic! This was an additional challenge. We had to do the festival differently, imagine scenarios, reassure the team, etc.

How has REGARD changed in 10 years?

During my years, we consolidated the team, we went from two full-time people to almost five. The school component has been developed. REGARD is part of the circle of festivals allowing winning films to be eligible for the Oscars for short films. We also moved offices and got more recognition from the City. And the festival has gained popularity both at the level of the public and of the international guests (creators, jury, etc.).

Where does it need to improve?

We can still improve several aspects. For example, we would like to have one more presentation room. In terms of duration [cinq jours], this does not ensure that the jurors see all the films in theaters. I would like the films in competition to all be seen in the same way. This is an important detail. And we must continue to promote sustainability by presenting activities throughout the year to provide film education and develop people’s cinephilia. The whole inclusion and equity aspect is also to be explored. A committee has been formed for this.

A memory that is particularly dear to you?

There are so many ! Every Sunday evening, on the last day of the festival, we pay tribute to the volunteers. They become the team’s guests. It’s always moving. But a year has been even more so. Émile Proulx-Cloutier was our spokesperson. He did a great opening show on Thursday night and he lost his voice right after! He became our voiceless spokesperson, but stayed. On Sunday evening, for the tribute to the volunteers, he had found his voice and his words were very touching. His speech moved me.

REGARD takes place from March 23 to 27, followed by an online version from March 28 to April 10

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