Most of these transfers will take place on Wednesdays, July 24 and 31. They will be made automatically to a bank account or by postal check.
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Remember to check your bank account in the coming days. Every year, some taxpayers receive a nice surprise: the refund of what was overpaid in taxes, in the past year. According to the Ministry of Economy, it will occur “in most cases July 24 or 31”More than 10 million French people benefited from it last year.
To be eligible for this adjustment, the amount deducted at source by public finances in 2023 must be “higher than your final tax amount”. Because ofSince January 1, 2019, income tax is collected directly, then regularized the following year. It is then possible to have a balance to pay if the direct debits are not sufficient, or a refund of overpayment. This correction corresponds to what you have overpaid to the tax authorities.
For example, this is the case if your income has dropped over the year and this has not been reported to the tax authorities, or if you have delayed in declaring the birth of a child. Reimbursements also concern those who are entitled to a refund of reductions or tax credits on expenses made in 2023: donations, expenses related to home employment, childcare, etc.
The Ministry of Economy specifies that “the amount reimbursed will correspond to the balance of the reductions and tax credits to which you are entitled, taking into account the 60% advance which may have already been paid to you in January 2024”.
If you have opted for an online declaration, on the dedicated space on the government website, transfers from the General Directorate of Public Finances will be sent either on July 24 or 31. No action is necessary, the corrective transfer is automatic. The same goes for the balance to be paid, which will be automatically debited from the account registered with the DGFiP.
On the other hand, if you are still a fan of paper tax notices, tax transfers will be made by check sent by La Poste to the last known address, between July 24 and the end of August.