Refreshing paving stones for our cities

When the heat becomes unbearable in the city, the solutions today are planting trees to take advantage of their shade, businesses with air conditioners, or water misters. These last 2 solutions are not really in line with the protection of the environment. Another solution is however accessible, the refreshing cobblestones. The system is simple in concept but requires upstream installation. The refreshing cobblestones are made of a porous material including 30% recycled scallops, they allow rainwater to pass through the material. This water is collected in a tank installed under the paving stones. When the outside temperature rises, the recovered water evaporates in the opposite direction. This is called evapotranspiration. This evapotranspiration makes it possible to lower the temperature of the ground by 15 degrees and that of the air by 5 to 8 degrees.

The Alkern company, manufacturer of these refreshing cobblestones, advises cities to take advantage of renovation work on roads or squares to install these cobblestones, because the rainwater tanks must first be installed.

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