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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Thursday August 18th.
Germany lowers gas VAT. No question of making money with gas on the backs of taxpayers, in a period of galloping inflation. To compensate for the increase in prices per kilowatt hour by suppliers, the German government has chosen to lower VAT from 19 to 7%, with the agreement of Brussels. “Thanks to this measure, we will reduce the bill for gas customers, more than what the price increase represents.“, said Olaf Scholz the German Chancellor. This VAT reduction is to last until March 2024.
TVE live from the fire brigade headquarters in Spain. After five days of struggle, 25,000 hectares already gone up in smoke and some 3,000 people evacuated, finally some respite for the firefighters of Valencia in the south-east of Spain. “We were about to lose control when around midnight it started to rain. It allowed us to regain the upper hand“, details Alejandro Tejero, fire captain. Since the beginning of the year more than 270,000 hectares have burned in Spain.
Swedish study rehabilitates fat to fight cancer. A fat stomach, the best medicine against cancer, it still has to be good fat. Because we have two. The white which stores the sugar and the brown which eliminates them; at low temperatures it devours carbohydrates and starves cancer cells. “Some researchers have shown that putting your feet in cold water every day for fifteen to thirty minutes can be enough to activate brown fat”explains Yihai Cao, research professor on cancer from the Karolinska Institute (Sweden).