reduction of the health protocol in schools after the winter holidays


France 2

Article written by

Y.Relat, F.Nicotra, A.Guillerot-Malick, A.Lopez – France 2

France Televisions

The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, unveiled the new rules of the health protocol in schools on Friday February 11. They will come into effect from the start of the school year.

The 110 pupils of the Rigault elementary school, in Sens (Yonne), will soon be able to remove their masks during recess. A welcome relaxation, for the main interested parties. “It’s good, because we’re suffocating”, says a student. With the improvement of the epidemic situation, an adjustment of the school protocol was unveiled on Friday February 11 by the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer. The mask will no longer be compulsory outdoors, and it will also be possible to mix students by level, while indoor sport without a mask will make a comeback.

Only one self-test instead of three will now be required for case-contact students, without a sworn statement from the parents. “For children, it’s fun”confides a parent of a student, while a mother says to herself “a little reluctant” about wearing a mask. The measures will gradually apply to the return from the winter holidays, from February 21.


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