Reduction of public spending: “It is not a question of austerity, it is a question of returning to normal”, says Bruno Le Maire


Video length: 14 mins.

France 2

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Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Tuesday June 20.

Tuesday June 20, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, was the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2. He first confirmed that an additional tax project for motorway companies is “in the study”. “If there is a decision, it will be for the 2024 finance bill”said Bruno Le Maire. After having announced, the day before, “at least ten billion euros in savings” to reduce France’s debt by 2027, the minister said: “It’s not about austerity, it’s about getting back to normal.

“We will still have to save money”

“I do not hide it: it will still be necessary to make additional savings by continuing, each year, to examine all public expenditure to see which ones are effective for our compatriots, and which ones are less so”continued Bruno Le Maire.

The Minister of the Economy then indicated that the results of the reopening of negotiations between companies in the agri-food industry and those in large retailers will be seen on the shelves. “beginning of July”. He also repeated his threat to name manufacturers who would refuse to lower prices, indicating that in this case: “We will give the names.“I continue to keep on the table the possibility of taxing the excessive rents of the agribusinesses”said Bruno Le Maire.

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