reduction in the number of radiotherapy sessions for breast cancer



Video length: 1 min

Health: reduction in the number of radiotherapy sessions for breast cancer
Health: reduction in the number of radiotherapy sessions for breast cancer
(France 2)

Focus, this Monday, September 16, on some good news in terms of health: it will soon be possible to reduce the number of radiotherapy sessions for breast cancer patients. The point with the doctor and journalist Damien Mascret.

It will soon be possible to reduce the treatment time for breast cancer patients from five weeks to three weeks. Two studies, one French and the other international, have reached the same conclusions. “When you have breast cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes, after the operation, you have 25 sessions of radiotherapy to be sure to eliminate all the cancer cells that might have escaped the scalpel.”introduces doctor and journalist Damien Mascret.

However, studies show that in most cases, 15 radiotherapy sessions are sufficient. “It is necessary to increase the doses a little at each session, but this is done without increasing the toxicity of adverse effects, and while maintaining the same effectiveness to avoid recurrences.”assures the specialist. In addition, hospitals have also started to shorten the duration of the radiotherapy protocol for other cancers, notably prostate cancer.

Among our sources:

Breast cancer study

Non-exhaustive read

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