Reduction in the contribution for beneficiaries of Alsace-Moselle health insurance on April 1

The contribution rate for the local health insurance scheme of Alsace Moselle drops to 1.3% from April 1, 2022. Since January 1, 2012, it has been set at 1.5%. This is the rate applicable to salaries, retirement benefits and all other replacement income. It concerns 2 million 100,000 beneficiaries. For contributors, the reduction in contributions to the scheme is 64 million euros per year.

In 2021, the local health insurance scheme achieved “an in-depth study of its current financial situation and projections for the next five years” can we read in a press release. “It emerged that the context is favorable for taking the long-term and secure decision to lower its contribution rate.“.

Five euros less for an average salary

For a minimum wage, for example, this reduction will be around three euros per month, 5 euros for an average salary, and 16 euros for a salary of 8,000 euros. The existing exemptions are maintained for those who receive unemployment benefit or for the wages of apprentices.

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