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In order to reduce pollution in the Netherlands, the government would like to reduce the number of animals raised in the country by 30%. Negotiations have started with the breeders.
It is one of the largest herds in Europe: 100 million animals in a country as large as a French region. The concentration of cows in the Netherlands has serious consequences for the environment. In the east of the country, a forest in Otterlo is classified as Natura 2000, but 70% of its trees have been decimated for lack of nutrients in the soil. Researcher specializing in soil pollution, Arnold Van Den Burg points the finger at “intensive agriculture”. “If you look at a map of Europe of nitrogen emissions, you will see a big black spot on the Netherlands”, he adds. Mainly rejected by farms, nitrogen is one of the main sources of pollution of the air, but also of soils and waterways.
To deal with these concerns, the Dutch government is planning radical measures. He wants to reduce the number of animals raised in the country by 30%. A project that worries many farmers. “All the costs go up and if your income goes down you’re going to have a problem at the end of the year. You won’t have enough money to pay your bills.”, recalls Erik Luiten, cattle breeder. The government is considering a 15 billion euro plan to convince pastoralists that it will buy land or even farms from those close to retirement. Negotiations are continuing and the Netherlands has given itself ten years to make this transition a success.