Reda Saoui launches an assault on French cinemas

A former architecture student, Reda Saoui has been carrying his humor around Quebec since 2009., where he met with great success on the Montreal scene! His first 60 minutes, in 2015, entitled “ I’m wrong, but I’m right is a success, the critics hailed the artist, the public was especially present. Thus, his career took off. In 2016, Reda Saoui opened for Gad Elmalehat Montreal Olympia. In November 2019, he dropped out of the foundation Future Club a reward for all of his artistic contribution to the influence of the Algerian community.

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Today, he is preparing to conquer Paris with a brand new show written during lockdown ! A performance that is both absurd and full of meaning, which deliciously deconstructs the stereotypes of a disenchanted modern society. His talent for incarnation, his facial expressions, his gestures, his posture, nothing is left to chance to illustrate his point. He also gives himself up in complete privacy.

From his eight months in France, through his life as a castellan and even his pulmonary embolism, Reda Saoui floods the stage with its hair-raising energy and takes you into its universe.

Show to discover every Saturday and Sunday at THE LITTLE LOGE in Paris and on tour throughout France…

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