RED WINE SAUCE. at the Egletons wine and local products fair

RED WINE SAUCE for meat, fish, vegetables, etc.

A tasty red wine sauce that I offer with cod cheeks. This red wine sauce is perfect for beef, rabbit but also for eggs, leek whites, cooked ham, mushrooms, etc. The wine must be cooked the day before.

In all cases, the foods that will accompany the wine sauce will be cooked before and reheated in the sauce before serving.

* Beef, veal and/or pork and cut poultry must be cooked the day before in broth then set aside until the next day then reheated and drained (keep the cooking broth to cook pasta or rice).

This red wine and onion sauce with fish is called a matelote sauce.

Per person :

100 ml of red wine at room temperature

1 tbsp of vinegar

3 tbsp of water

1 tbsp of flour

3 tbsp peeled and minced onions

1 bay leaf

Salt and pepper

2 squares of dark baking chocolate

The day before, pour the wine, water and vinegar into a saucepan, add the onions and bring to the boil. Cook for 3 minutes then turn off and set aside overnight.

Depending on the ingredients chosen, cook them the day before*.

The next day, take 3 tbsp of the cold preparation, pour it into a bowl and add the flour, mix and set aside. Bring the rest of the mixture to a boil. Then pour in the wine/flour from the bowl, mix with a wooden spoon and cook for 8 to 10 minutes over low heat. Salt and pepper, mix. Add the chocolate and mix. Add the chosen ingredients. Reheat them for a few minutes in the sauce. Remove the bay leaf before serving. Nice kitchen to all, Régine

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