The Red Star players, traveling to Nancy on Wednesday, were allegedly targeted by mimes and monkey cries from opposing supporters according to their coach.
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Held in check on the lawn of Nancy (1-1) in National, Wednesday October 11, the Red Star experienced a sad end to the evening off the field, according to its coach Habib Beye. The former Olympique de Marseille player indicated that several of his players complained of racist acts by supporters. “I have three of my players who were challenged by the stand with monkey mimes and monkey cries”said the Audonian coach at the microphone of Canal+ after the match.
“There are people who tell me that today, in a stadium, there is no We must not make things worse and these are things that are like that. We have trivialized all these situations. Today, the football match doesn’t interest me, it’s erased from my memory. But if we let this kind of thing happen, we won’t move forward, continued Habib Beye. […] I will always fight, until I die, against these things. I hope that this public will be punished, that there will be images, people who will come and testify to these things, because it is unacceptable.” The facts denounced have not been officially noted. On the evening of the meeting, neither the two clubs concerned nor the League reacted.