Red Nose forced to end his rides

Operation Red Nose announced this morning that it was immediately putting an end to its escort campaign invoking the health measures put in place yesterday by the government.

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The organization had planned to offer its escort service until December 31, as it did before the pandemic. The service was not offered last year as the second wave of coronavirus neared its peak.

“It was not without emotion that we made the decision and we have a small heartache when announcing it. But we are still very proud of the campaign that we managed to hold despite the context, ”said Marilyn Vigneault, Director of Communications for Operation Red Nose.

“The health measures that we had put in place since the start of the campaign were considered more than safe. But in order to support efforts to reduce contact as much as possible following yesterday’s government announcement, we have ended our drive-home campaign, ”she added.

The organization had also confirmed the continuation of its activities following the first government announcement on Thursday.

Sufficient resources

The number of volunteers is not in question in the decision, although the recruitment was difficult. “Each year, it is our hobbyhorse and this year the challenge was even more present,” concedes Ms. Vigneault.

The cascade of cancellations, especially of office parties, at restaurants and bars last week was not too felt in terms of rides.

“It still went well on Friday and Saturday. The requests were always present, but I do not have the details at the moment if we went more to homes than to bars and restaurants. ”

In a little more than ten evenings in 2021, Operation Red Nose still carried out 7000 rides in Quebec “We would not have made it without our 6,800 volunteers”, would like to point out Marilyn Vigneault.


Even if the escort service is the flagship element of Operation Red Nose, the impacts of the pandemic on the last two campaigns will not have negative effects on the organization, assures Ms. Vigneault.

“Red Nose is often associated with the drive-home campaign, but the mission is broader than that. It is about adopting responsible behavior to prevent impaired driving, so we continue to be there to spread this message, ”emphasizes Marilyn Vigneault.

Other interruption

In addition, the Miller Zoo also invoked the latest government announcements to cancel its winter season as of today.

—With the collaboration of Jean-François Racine

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