Red Ketchup at Teletoon | The Press

The most twisted agent of the FBI, Red Ketchup, will be reborn in cartoon in the winter of 2023 on Télétoon.

Posted at 12:13 p.m.

Alexandre Vigneault

Alexandre Vigneault
The Press

His methods — he doesn’t do lace — and his habits — he’s a polydrug addict addicted to cocaine — not making him a very appropriate character for a young audience, it was at night that the character created it 40 years ago by screenwriter Pierre Fournier and cartoonist Réal Godbout will commit his escapades.

“When we created Pierre Fournier and I, this hyper-zealous and slightly twisted character, we could never have imagined where he was going to take us,” admits Réal Godout, in the press release announcing the transposition into a cartoon. Red Ketchup indeed appeared in a secondary role in the universe of Michel Risque, of the same tandem, from which the FBI agent quickly left to lead his own adventures.


Réal Godbout and Pierre Fournier, in 2012, when Red Ketchup was celebrating its 30th anniversary.

He made the rain and the good weather in the reviews titanic and Fang before existing in three albums published between 1988 and 1994 then making a leap to Safari. Since 2007, La Pastèque has published nine collections of its adventures, among other things marked by the context of the Cold War.

The revival of the red-eyed colossus will be under the direction of director Martin Villeneuve (Denis’ brother), science fiction fan and big fan of comics. “The challenge of making it a successful adaptation is precisely what attracts me,” he said in the press release released by producer Sphère Animation. He announces a series that will mix action, black comedy, adventure and fantasy.

“I can’t wait to see him move and hear his voice,” adds Réal Godbout, to whom we also owe an amazing adaptation of Kafka’s novel. America or the disappeared (2013). The animated series red ketchup will have 20 30-minute episodes presented from winter 2023 on Télétoon la nuit. An English version will be broadcast on the Adult Swim channel.

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