A chalet with toys, a small improvised room with the Ukrainian flag on it, on the wall, shelves filled with foodstuffs or hygiene products. Volunteers from the Pau Red Cross have set up this space as a matter of urgency to best welcome Ukrainian refugees. Jean-Marc Pontet is the president of the local Red Cross unit in Pau, he ensures that this welcome is as friendly as possible: “It’s important for us, when the families arrive, we take their name and offer them a coffee straight away, there is also a space where the children can play, it allows the adults to relax and express their needs. The more we talk to them, the better we can adapt.”
A warm welcome
Two volunteers share a coffee with Minka, a Ukrainian who arrived three weeks ago with her seven-year-old daughter. They get by in English but mostly communicate with gestures and smiles. Nicole, a volunteer, observes a real need for exchange : “Three days ago some Ukrainians we helped brought us a meal with Ukrainian specialties. We feel that people need to create a bond, that’s why we try to welcome them as best we can. we can.” And the volunteers want to do more, soon they will offer French lessons and school support.