Red Bull team fined seven million euros after exceeding budget cap in 2021

The penalty does not include the withdrawal of points, the Dutchman Max Verstappen retains his title of world champion 2021.

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Red Bull escapes the worst. The stable of double world champion Max Verstappen was fined on Friday, October 28, a fine of seven million euros and a 10% reduction in the development time of its single-seater in the wind tunnel for 2023. This decision is due to exceeding the budget ceiling set by the International Automobile Federation (FIA) during the 2021 season.

“Red Bull Racing was found to be in violation but the Cost Cap Administration acknowledged that the team acted cooperatively throughout the review process and sought to provide additional information and evidence when they were requestedthe FIA ​​wrote in a statement.

On the other hand, the body did not inflict a retroactive loss of points on Red Bull for this “minor violation” (an overrun of 2.17 million euros) of the ceiling set at 145 million dollars. The Austrian team therefore retains the title of world champion among pilots, won in a hard fight by the Dutchman Max Verstappen last year.

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