red allergy alert in 58 departments


Article written by

O.Longueval, A.Lepinay, AM.Boudin – France 2

France Televisions

Lhe arrival of fine weather and rising temperatures promote the dispersal of pollen. The entire northern half of France was placed on alert on Friday April 15, in particular due to birch pollen.

Seasonal allergies are back. At least one in four French people would suffer from it. In question, trees such as cypresses, plane trees or birches. Their pollens can trigger allergic reactions when they come into contact with certain cells in the human body. In his office, Denis Bisch, allergist-pneumologist in Lille (North), receives more and more patients.

To find out if you are subject to an allergy, a 15-minute examination is enough. “We will position allergens. (…) If it reproduces an allergic skin reaction, we conclude a possible allergy on the mucous membranes”, explains the allergist. Depending on the result, several treatments exist. In recent weeks, a pharmacy in Lille (Nord) has been selling more and more of them. People affected by allergies are also advised to ventilate their homes in the morning or evening, and to avoid outdoor activities.

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