Record attendance at the 90th Acfas congress

This text is part of the special booklet 90th Acfas Congress

The 90e The Acfas Congress, which will be held from May 8 to 12 at the Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal and Polytechnique Montréal, offers more than 300 conferences this year. A jump of around 50% compared to the two previous years, which is reflected in the number of delegates expected: more than 9,000. This is 4,000 more than for the 2019 edition, the last before the pandemic.

The record number of conferences on display this year at the Acfas Congress demonstrates beyond any doubt that, despite its 90th birthday, this gathering retains its power of attraction. “There is clearly a desire in the Francophone research community to come together to celebrate Acfas’ 100th anniversary,” said the organization’s president, Jean-Pierre Perreault.

100 years of science in French

Because yes, it is a very special edition that is announced this year. The centenary of the organization is celebrated there, on the theme “100 years of knowledge for a sustainable world”.

“Our society experiences complex issues, for example in terms of the environment and living together, and research is an essential vector for imagining solutions,” says Jean-Pierre Perreault.

Acfas will unveil a few new features to mark its centenary. “We will publish our collective work on May 9 Get to know. 100 years of science in French, on which we have been working for nearly two years, announces Executive Director Sophie Montreuil. . »

Support research outside Quebec

“The other big news from the conference will be the official launch of the French Language Research Service [SARF] “, emphasizes Jean-Pierre Perreault. Its mission will be to support French-speaking researchers from universities outside Quebec, in particular by offering support services for the preparation of funding applications in French intended for the federal granting councils.

In 2021, the organization unveiled in a report the many challenges faced by these research communities, which work in much more difficult conditions than those in Quebec. The SARF could benefit from the support of the federal government under the Action Plan for Official Languages ​​2023-2028, presented on April 26. This plan will devote $8.5 million over five years to improving the French-language research ecosystem in Canada.

Public events

The last two conference presentations took place entirely online. “This time, Acfas has given the scientific symposium managers the choice of opting for a meeting in face-to-face or hybrid mode,” says Jean-Pierre Perreault. Many have chosen the hybrid formula. This approach partly explains the dramatic increase in registrations compared to last year, since it allows more people to participate.

The congress also offers the opportunity to consult free of charge, from the 1er May, more than 600 free communications presented in the form of pre-recorded video capsules or posters in JPEG format. The Science Me! proposes, meanwhile, events for all audiences that aim to establish a dialogue between science and society, in particular the always very intriguing exhibition The proof by the imageat the Montreal Biodome.

Honorary President

Acfas has entrusted the honorary presidency of its congress to Dr.D Caroline Quach-Thanh, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal, pediatrician and microbiologist-infectiologist affiliated with the CHU Sainte-Justine.

She rose from shadow to light during the COVID-19 pandemic as she then chaired the National Advisory Committee on Immunization and the Committee on Immunization of Quebec. These bodies have taken on major importance in providing advice to governments during the health crisis.

“This episode got me thinking about how to communicate science publicly,” she explains. It has also proposed this theme for its Mountain Conference, which is entitled Science, media and politics in times of crisis. Worlds to reconcile and which will be held at the Université de Montréal and online on May 9.

She says she is flattered, but surprised by her appointment to a position often occupied by very public figures, such as Jean-René Dufort or Boucar Diouf. Its role is to promote the Acfas Congress. “A multidisciplinary event of such a scale is an essential tool for keeping science in French alive and for demystifying how research works for the general public,” she maintains.

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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