Reconquest wants “a coalition of national forces, patriotic rights”, explains Nicolas Bay

Éric Zemmour’s party will not present a legislative candidate against Marine Le Pen, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Eric Ciotti.

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“Today we are preparing to be present massively for these legislative elections, we want a coalition of national forces, of the patriotic rights because we know that the macronists will be gathered”, explained on franceinfo Nicolas Bay, executive vice-president of Reconquest! who will not present a candidate in the legislative elections against Marine Le Pen, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Eric Ciotti.

“It has been Eric Zemmour’s approach from the start to bring together French people from different backgrounds.” Seeking a coalition of national forces is “a political move” from Eric Zemmour who highlights the fact that he “we must not enroll permanently in a situation of division and that whenever we can, we must come together. The legislative elections offer us the opportunity.”

“We believe there is a need for unity at the ballot box beyond the differences which are very real.”

Nicolas Bay, vice-president of the Reconquest party!


For these elections, the Reconquête! “can go there alone. Our organization will allow us to have candidates in all the constituencies of France. But we believe that the best interests of France is a coalition of nationals. Afterwards, the logic of shop and groceries of some may outweigh the national interest.”

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