recognizing the existence of a Palestinian state is “symbolically very important”, says journalist


Video duration: 10 min

War in Gaza: recognizing the existence of a Palestinian state is “symbolically very important”, according to a journalist
War in Gaza: recognizing the existence of a Palestinian state is “symbolically very important”, according to a journalist
(france info)

Journalist Alain Gresh, and Maxime Lefebvre, diplomat, former ambassador, react, Wednesday May 22, to the intention of three European countries to recognize the existence of a Palestinian state.

Three Western European countries announced their intention, Wednesday May 22, to recognize the existence of a Palestinian state. “Symbolically, it is very important (…) we must remember that almost the entire international community recognizes the Palestinian state. There is only one exception, Europe and the United States “, explains Alain Gresh, journalist, former editor-in-chief of Le Monde Diplomatique, guest of 19/20 info. For him, it is a “diplomatic and political pressure on Israel”.

“We see that there is a movement, which is encouraged by the events of recent months”estimates Maxime Lefebvre, diplomat, former ambassador and professor of international relations at ESCP, also guest of 19/20 info. “What is obviously difficult is that today, the state of Palestine does not exist. It does not have clear borders”he adds.

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