Recipe of the week | Fake banana-lucuma ice cream

Just before the weekend, all readers who cook ask themselves this eternal question: what are we going to eat? To inspire you, The Press suggests a recipe that will make your mouth water.


  • 2 frozen bananas (cut into slices if your blender is not very powerful)
  • 1 C. tbsp (15 ml) lucuma powder
  • 1 C. tbsp (15 ml) cocoa nibs
  • 1 C. tbsp (15 ml) maple syrup
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • A few cocoa nibs
  • A few pecans


  1. Place all the ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until the mixture has the texture of ice cream. (Use the pulse function if necessary.)
  2. Decorate with some cocoa nibs and pecans.

Published in The Press+ on January 19, 2017.

Source: recipe by Marie-Josée Richer, Prana.

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