recipe ideas for cooking leftovers and not throwing anything in the trash

Every year, 30 kg of waste per year and per inhabitant

Every year, a third of the world’s production is wasted in the world !
Why not all act to avoid this waste and avoid throwing food in the trash.

In Franche-Comté alone, it is possible to act on your own scale:

  • avoid buying too much
  • make a shopping list and stick to it
  • click & collect so as not to be tempted to buy more than expected
  • cook reasonable portions
  • do not throw in the trash and imagine recipes for cooking leftovers
  • buy in vac and without packaging

There are many solutions and everyone can act, regardless of age or location.

Present in 27 regional branches, Phenix supports merchants to optimize and limit waste

Phénix: the anti-waste app for those who are hungry for action!

To achieve less waste, why not pick up leftovers from merchants ?

This is the principle of Phenix: this anti-waste app launched in 2019 by a French start-upis developing throughout France and Europe.

The idea is to recover each evening surprise baskets with producers, breeders, market gardeners, and develop the short circuit.

Phenix, the anti-waste app, offers complementary solutions for each of your needs
Phenix, the anti-waste app, offers complementary solutions for each of your needs

What recipes for cooking leftovers?

Nothing is lost, everything is transformed !

Breads, rice, pasta, pastries, meats, cheeses.
Vegetable tops, strawberry tails, “ugly” fruits.

How to cook leftovers and accommodate them? The employees of the French impact start-up Phenix, leader in anti-waste in Europe, have imagined for you the 38 best anti-waste recipes according to the seasons in a book available free of charge.

source site-35