Eric Ciotti’s party regained momentum before Christmas with the vote on the immigration law. For the year 2024 the right therefore wants to remain on the offensive by not giving up on immigration, but by also investing in the economic field.
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The right begins the new year with a good resolution: “stay united”, as it was for the vote on the immigration law and that is not so common on the right. The Republicans (LR) party will inaugurate its new headquarters at the end of January, near the National Assembly. New HQ for a new life? Not sure because LR does not want to let go of immigration. “We will put pressure in Parliament and in the media so that the government respects its commitments”assures someone close to the boss of Eric Ciotti’s party.
For the right, there is no question of letting the executive unravel the law, nor of ignoring a reform of State Medical Aid (AME). It was Élisabeth Borne who promised this reform to the right and her future at Matignon is up in the air, but LR will not be satisfied with a trick. “If they reform the AME it will be thanks to us, theorizes an LR leader, and if they don’t do it, we will explain to the French that they cannot trust the macronie on immigration”, he concludes. The argument is just as well established in the event of censorship by the Constitutional Council of certain measures: this will be, according to LR, proof that the constitution must be revised, as they have been insisting for months.
European elections on the agenda
But the right is not only going to talk about immigration in 2024, LR is also going to invest in the economy. The next stage of his Estates General will take place at the end of January or beginning of February in Lyon, with Laurent Wauquiez. Place to “the night of reindustrialization”, after the nights of ecology, or artificial intelligence which took place last fall. The right will also work at the start of the year on public finances, with the credo of reducing spending and compulsory contributions.
Among its work at the start of the year, the right also has the subject of the European elections of June 9. Even if there is no more suspense, barring a huge surprise, it is François-Xavier Bellamy who will once again lead the list. It remains to find the firing window to formalize its designation. “It’s better that the news is not totally focused on something else”, admits someone close to the future candidate. As one right-wing leader put it more bluntly: “we will wait until Macron has finished his circus on the reshuffle”. Éric Ciotti also wants to announce the first names on the list and not just number one, just to avoid the non-event aspect. Then it will be necessary to exceed 5%, otherwise LR will be removed from the European Parliament… and unity risks being seriously undermined.