Reception of Ukrainian refugees: the federal government must withdraw visas

The federal government must temporarily remove the requirement to have a visa to enter Canada to facilitate the arrival of Ukrainian refugees, urges a lawyer specializing in immigration.

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• Read also: War in Ukraine: Putin calls on the Ukrainian army to “take power” in Kiev

Ukrainians are several tens of thousands to flee their country, taken by storm by Russia. Canada will undoubtedly become a land of welcome for these many refugees.

The federal government has indicated that requests from Ukrainians who wish to come here will be processed urgently, but this is insufficient.

For the time being, it is necessary for a person holding a Ukrainian passport to obtain a visa to enter Canada.

“We must remove the requirement to hold a visa to enter Canada. Afterwards, what I suggest is to give work permits so that they can work and earn a living, ”says Ms.and Maxime Lapointe.

This is also what the Quebec Association of Immigration Lawyers (AQAADI) is also asking for.

“Not related”

The federal government announced Thursday measures to process emergency requests through a telephone line or by email, with the mention #ukraine2022 in the subject. An ineffective measure believes the lawyer.

“In my opinion, what will happen is that it will clog the machine, he argues. You can’t make officials work on forms in a country at war, it’s irrelevant. »

Earlier this week, the Premier of Quebec, François Legault, indicated that he wanted to make his contribution to welcoming refugees.

“If Quebec wants to participate, it could quickly and easily issue selection or acceptance certificates from Quebec, to have services, such as health insurance (RAMQ),” argues Ms.and The point.

an outstretched hand

In addition, elected officials from the region wanted to express their solidarity with the Ukrainian people and to reach out to them.

“We are open for help and open to welcoming Ukrainians,” confirms Geneviève Guilbault, Deputy Premier of Quebec.

The Federal Minister of Health, Jean-Yves Duclos, also expressed his government’s openness to welcoming them. He mentioned two aspects by way of invitation, either through family reunification, or through the reception of refugees.

For his part, the mayor of Quebec, Bruno Marchand, also expressed his solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and asked the citizens of Quebec “to make allowances” by remaining respectful towards the Russian community.

— With the collaboration of Stéphanie Martin

See also

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