Recently arrived in bookstores | The Press

Among all the books that have recently arrived in bookstores, here are a few that caught our attention.

WanderingsSuzanne Cloutier

This little book-object was born from the collaboration between the artist Suzanne Cloutier and 11 Quebec writers and poets, including Joséphine Bacon, David Goudreault, Rodney Saint-Éloi, Catherine Mavrikakis and Perrine Leblanc. Alongside vivid color illustrations, the texts explore in a unique way the issues of wandering, territory sharing and socio-economic inequalities.



Editions of the passage

172 pages

ScreenwriterYves Poirier

A screenwriter scammed by a broker imagines a thousand and one ways to kill him. But when he disappears, the screenwriter becomes the first in the list of suspects, targeted by an SQ investigator and a crooked lawyer. An entertaining treasure hunt where the author could well become the character of his own scenario.




204 pages

The wedding portraitMaggie O’Farrell

This is a novelty that will please fans of historical novels like The golden house, by Jessie Burton. The author, a former British journalist who won the Women’s Prize for Fiction in 2020, for her novel Hamnettakes us to the heart of the Italian Renaissance through the tragic destiny of the young Lucrezia de Medici, just married.

The wedding portrait

The wedding portrait


416 pages

WilliamStéphanie Hochet

The author, who is an essayist and cultural journalist in France, imagined in this novel the “lost years” of William Shakespeare, of which there is no trace, while, in his twenties, the future playwright dreams of becoming an actor. A fascinating foray into 16th century Englande century, around a mythical figure of literature.




192 pages

A madographLuc Provost

Luc Provost, the man behind the flamboyant character of Mado Lamotte, set out to revisit his double life in this autobiography, recounting the tasty anecdotes and the absurd stories that made the famous drag queen a monument of Montreal cabaret .

A madograph

A madograph

Editions La Presse

200 pages

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