rebels, ecologists, communists, socialists… Who will wear the colors of the union of the left in your constituency?

A “historic agreement”, according to left-wing officials. After several days of negotiations, La France insoumise, the Socialist Party, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts and the Communist Party have agreed on a union in view of the legislative elections. If the programmatic base seems to be reduced to a few points, it is indeed the issue of the constituencies that was at the heart of the discussions between the different forces on the left. Franceinfo invites you to discover on a map which party will represent the left in your constituency.

Left in gray on the map below, the overseas and Corsica constituencies are not part of this electoral agreement. Each party is therefore free to support the candidates of its choice.

The various environmental movements share 100 constituencies, with a large share of the cake for Europe Ecologie-Les Verts. The other structures, such as Generation.s (the movement founded by Benoît Hamon), Generation Ecology (the party led by Delphine Batho) or the New Democrats, recover a few crumbs. Of this set, around thirty constituencies seem to be winnable, which would allow environmentalists to form a group in the Assembly, unlike the last elections in 2017.

Of the hundred constituencies they expected before starting negotiations, the Socialists recovered 70 in this agreement with the other left-wing parties. Almost all of their outgoing deputies retain their investiture for the next legislative elections, such as Olivier Faure in Seine-et-Marne or Boris Vallaud in the Landes. On the other hand, they lose the 15th constituency of Paris, in the northeast of the capital, where Lamia El Aaraje had been elected in June 2021 before seeing the ballot invalidated six months later. In the same way, David Habib, outgoing deputy of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, is not reinvested. The PS will not present either a candidate in Corrèze, department of François Hollande.

The Communists negotiated 50 constituencies, an important threshold for the financing of their party. They secured 11 strongholds held by outgoing deputies, like those of André Chassaigne in Puy-de-Dôme, Fabien Roussel in the North or Sébastien Jumel in Seine-Maritime. There are also five constituencies of “conquestdeemed winnable by left-wing leaders.

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