A conference on “Palestine news” was canceled by the University of Lille on Wednesday. The Insoumis have announced that it will take place, but in another location.
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The rebellious deputy from the North, David Guiraud, denounces “a campaign led by provocative and violent groups”, Wednesday April 17, after the cancellation of a press conference by Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan which was to be held on Thursday at the University of Lille. This announcement from the university came after the publication of a leaflet from the Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) deploring “the expression of the crassest anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism”.
The UEJF has “puts pressure”particularly with “threats to public order”estimates David Guiraud. “These are the same people who put posters up in front of my office”, accuses the elected official. He adds that the UEJF was “supported by Ms. Spillebout”.
The Renaissance du Nord MP had requested, as of Monday, the banning of this conference, as did the president of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand, and the National Rally MP from the North, Sébastien Chenu. “There is a desire from part of the extreme right, but also now from those in power, to criminalize us because we carry a voice of peace, because we do not support Israel in its genocide operation”supports the rebel.
Furthermore, David Guiraud says he is not surprised “that some of the criticism comes from the left, that the PS deputy Jérôme Guedj has largely launched the offensive on this conference based on fallacious elements”. According to him, the logo of the student association “does not refer to the disappearance of Israel”.
“Freedom of expression at stake”
For the LFI deputy, “this is obviously political censorship”, “which must be placed in a context of criminalization of words which have defended the Palestinian people for months”. He believes that the “academic freedom” and the “freedom of expression” “are at stake”. “We have the impression that in the land of Enlightenment, sometimes, the lights are going out a little unfortunately”deplores the MP.
Shortly after the announcement of the cancellation, LFI announced in a press release that the conference will still take place, but in another location. “We will not be silent”writes the party.